Science Teachers' Association

Greetings  From  the  President's Desk

    As I sit down to write this last letter of the school year, I look around my school and get the feel that summer is fast approaching. The weather is warming up, clothing is becoming more vacation oriented, and student's minds are turning to thoughts of…..A.P. Exams! Remember those January days when you didn't know HOW you'd keep everything balanced for another week? Well, we made it! Don't get me wrong: I truly love teaching. However, there is a certain joy to reaching the finish line with my students and getting to hand them diplomas on graduation day. I've worked in private enterprise before and I must say that no monetary reward can top the feeling I get from working with young people.
    Did you make it to Dallas in April for the NSTA National Conference?
    What a showcase of learning and hospitality! The keynote speakers were very inspirational, the social events engaging and the workshops I attended from Thursday morning through Sunday noon were in