As the school year came to a close, I have tried to think of what I might write about and have had a difficult time to come-up with any topics or ideas I consider productive. After completing semester test, grades, cleaning my room, attending three different sets of professional development and committee work, I didn't even want to think about school or any improvements I should think of making this summer.
     Luckily that attitude has finally passed and I have one topic to relate to you that I hope you will find worthwhile to think about. The information for my article comes from the editorial written by John Moore, currently president of the National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) written in the May issue of the American Biology Teacher. Even though this information comes from a Biology journal, I think there is plenty of food for thought here for all of the science disciplines we are a part of. I discussed some about COPUS- Coalition on the Public Understanding of Science - Year of Science 2009 in my last article. John Moore was recently part of the panel discussion on sustainability and the environment sponsored by COPUS. He asked the previous director of the EPA what teachers could do to help prepare students about sustainability and its complex interactions. The answers given by the EPA person mirror the pillars of sustainability put for the by the NABT:
·  Expose students to the beauty and intrigue of nature;
· Foster the debate of environmental and social issues;
· Allow students to express individual leadership and civic action, which promote long-term, visionary thinking, and encourages equity, social justice, peace & health and healing

· Introduce the topics on renewable energy, energy from the sun and wind, and other renewable resources;
· Lead by example, help your students to make substantive and well demonstrated efforts to recycle and conserve energy, water, and other natural resources;
· Explore how your school community works, including water and energy use, CO2 produced per student, the amount of materials procured, the amount of materials recycles, etc;
· Follow principles and guidance set forth by organizations devoted to the teaching and practice of sustainable living;
     This list certainly provides many avenues to explore- perhaps as a joint effort between our disciplines in each school. John Moore goes on to say and I quote, "The teaching of responsible use of our environment may be one of the most important things we do. Teaching by example may be the best way in which we can actually accomplish a sustainably-minded society."
     The summer is once again passing too quickly. We have students returning on August 17th, the earliest I can remember in many, many years. I applaud those of you who are attending workshops, and other professional development this summer. I have only one additional professional development activity planned- after 28 years of being in more activities than I had time off, I decided it was time to not be so involved this summer.  Hope you have some rest, relaxation, renewal and great times spent with family and loved ones. Happy summer!


Ramona Lundberg
    S D S T A    President
      Feb. 2008-Feb. 2010

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