South Dakota Science Teachers Association



February 2021  -  Treasurer's Report

Februray 2020  -  Treasurer's Report

((Click here for 2009, or for 2011, or Jt Bd Sept 2013 or other PDFs))

SDSTA Fall Meeting
September 13, 2010  5:00 pm Cent/4Mountain 

1.      Call to order.

2.     Secretary’s Minutes

3.     Treasurer’s Report ( Report or Checking )

4.     Old Business

a.       Location of Feb. conference

b.      James’ online evaluation  ( & )

c.       Brochures  ( ))

d.      Goehring/Veidts Scholarship  ( form )

e.      Last years conference wrap-up—Lost $2000.

                                                               i.      New conference costs.

f.        Other

5.     New Business

a.       Donations

b.      Facebook

c.       Sam Shaw

d.      Speakers for Conference

e.      Meetings in White

a.       November

b.      December

f.         October Newsletter

g.       Other

6.     Adjourn


Executive Joint Board Meeting
February 6, 2010

6 Science and 8 Math people in attendance

The buffet breakfast went over well but people want some fruit. Brenda (Crossroads) indicated the breakfast was OK from their standpoint and could add fruit for next year.

For 2011 the rooms at the Crossroads will be $72.99.

Brenda will make sure water and a garbage can in each meeting room.

Most people felt the food was good. Steve needs to know the number of vendors for the Friday noon meal. We need to know about vegetarian meals earlier than at the time of the meal.

The Crossroads will do copies if needed but we want to keep that quiet—only want to use it for emergencies otherwise they would be copying all day.

We requested signs leading to the hallways that designated whether it was the Prairie or Dakota etc.

The signs on each room will be combined rather than an individual one for each time frame. They will be printed with the morning sessions on one sheet and the afternoon on one sheet. Then they will only need to be changed at noon and in the morning. Signage from the Chamber had the wrong date, double check for next year.

Leave the number of donut holes the same, but leave them out until gone.

Popcorn was good.

Book the Crossroads for next year and tentatively booked for 2-4 years down the road.

We asked Brenda to search for a way to reach local teachers so that they are aware of the conference and will attend.

We need fewer sessions Friday morning at 8:00 as there aren’t enough people around at that time to attend the sessions. Bill said some of the sessions were not well attended. We need to have half as many sessions and some of them repeated sessions.

Thursday night sessions need a new name.

Exhibits: Birds were good. Steve needs a count of vendors for the Friday noon meal. Vendors have a deadline of October 15th to get their info into the booklet. They may additionally purchase ads in the booklet, but need to pay for it up front.

Marcie suggested we go green and look for someone to donate water bottles or coffee mugs.

Pearson did not assist with the donuts/coffee/tea. We paid $150 for the morning breakfast snacks.

Pepsi has changed ownership, but will probably continue picking up half the cost for the pop. No paper work necessary. It looks good that they will continue for next year.

Some small changes were made to the Presenter and Registration forms. Crossroads phone number needs to be on the registration from and only one line for the organization memberships to help people fill out the registration form correctly. On the presenter form we added that any changes/cancellations after Thursday need to be called into the front desk at the Crossroads phone, and then a message would be given to Jean also changes in the AV equipment line. She cannot check her email or phone during the day.

Sign up sheet for teachers to attend the pre-service session as to have more positive results for the new teachers at that session.

Evaluation form: need to add Math or Science and what level they teach to give us a better insight into the remarks on the evaluation forms. James will make the change.

Put a map of the hotel and also to put the schedule at a glance in the booklet for next year. Add Steve Caron as the conference treasurer to list of officers. James will make the change.

Ramona will try to use the principals list serves to get a list of first year teachers so as to make sure they get the notification of the conference.

Attendance was down from last year (2009) Attendance was 291 with an income of about $19000.  2010 Attendance was 269 with and income of $17372. This is a loss of almost $2000. Last year $192.30 was dispersed to each organization and $7000 was left in the conference account.

Trim Costs: Since mileage is getting to be such a big expense and many of the officers have large distances to travel, Jean suggested that each organization send 3 members (cars) to the November meeting and 2 members (cars) from each organization to the December meeting. Carpooling should be used as much as possible.

Molly suggested that the conference pay only for gas which means that if you travel, save your gas slips and you will be reimbursed for those rather than the state rate. All feel this way. DDN worked well for the fall planning meeting. Molly is to find a date.

Featured speaker information will need to be ready for the November planning meeting.

We are hoping that Game, Fish, and Parks will provide the lanyards and bags for next year. Chad Tussing provided the books. Brenda Murphy is to contact them to see if they will provide them for next year.

Motion made and carried to do the Goehring/Veidts Scholarship for first year teachers in South Dakota. Cost of one or two day member rate registration for the conference will be covered. The member is responsible for the membership. (Previously SDCTM reimbursed the conference for their new math teachers in attendance. SDSTA had no motion to grant a similar scholarship.) Motion by Kroon/Lundberg

Motion made and carried to increase the cost of the conference for members from $40 to $50 for one day and $60 to $75 for two days. For nonmembers: from $90 to $125 and for two days and from $70 to $100 for one day. Students cost will remain the same $15 for one day and $25 for two days. Motion by Kroon/Caron

Bill emphasized that the speakers should bring their own AV equipment as we had some troubles with the NASA DVD’s . Bill may need one more person to help with AV equipment next year. We all agreed to pick up the room for the person from TIE (if TIE doesn’t reimburse him) as he was very helpful—also send TIE a major Thank you for the help and the equipment. Bill will write it and the Presidents will sign it.

Marcie will make a big sign for the Classroom Treasures so everyone knows where it is and that the materials are free.

Laser pens went over well and ask Micheline to continue to get them. Cost has been running about $2.39 each.

Discussion was held on the length of the banquet. The banquet should start at 6:30. Only give out Presidential Awards, Friend of Science and Math awards, and Distinguished Service Awards at the banquet and the bios to be kept short. Other awards will be given out at the luncheons. No door prizes will be given out at the banquet. A pamphlet will be put together with all of the bios of the awardees and put on the tables at the banquet. Sheila McQuade will make it. Try to keep the banquet to about 2 hours.

Matt Miller will coordinate a panel of higher Ed people to do a session for high school teachers and students on the expectations college’s professors have for beginning freshmen.

Continue with the SDEA ad, and pass out the brochures for next year.

Teacher Tube is a dead issue.

Renewal credit issue, we don’t want to do anything that competes with DWU and the graduate credit. We want to stay out of it.

Free registration for next year for a member to Kristen Vesley of Bon Homme.

Meeting over  6:45pm


Huron, SD
SDSTA Business Meeting - February 5, 2010

Meeting called to order at 4:40 pm by President Ramona.

Old Business:

•Treasures Report offered by Brant Miller

-See attached report

-Explanation of increased seed money therefore decreased dollar amount for conference

reimbursement to SDCTM & SDSTA.

-Mark questioned philanthropy with $0…any requests for dollars?

Micheline asked to support the bald eagle again $200 flat rather than $200/year

Molly suggested we continue supporting the Science Fairs

Micheline moved to approve/Julie and Molly seconded…all in favor, none opposed

•Secretaries Report offered by Brenda Murphey

-Comments made about Larry’s grant dollars and will be discussed as item in meeting

-no additions or corrections to report

Molly motioned to approve report/Marcy and Nicole seconded…all in favor, none opposed

New Business:

•Newsletters are on the web site at

Offered opportunity to get newsletter on line could save $900 per year.

•Conference Speakers

Always looking for speakers…any ideas? Contact

•Business meeting

-Will be Sept 13 on DDN…Open invite to anyone who would like to take part in the meeting

-Contact for a connection/setup for meeting

•Mark Farrand

Offer services to Department of Education as a group opinion about the change in NCLB and the

requirements of science in the state. We should be proactive in our suggestions to show we are

interested in helping.

•Micheline Hickenbotham

-Suggests reconsidering the poster session as a component of the conference

-Offers teachers a chance to display classroom activities and share their successes

-We need to communicate this better to get more participation

Make session open to both strategies and student’s work

Offer sharing session as extension of posters

Marcy suggests the information go in as a commercial for next year to get attention

Offer motivator such as ribbons or people’s choice awards

Offer student poster with student advocacy for science education

•Molly TenBroek suggests lab coats with SDSTA logo for sale for next year. Asked for a show of hands in

those interested…7-10 people raised their hands to show an interest in purchasing a lab coat

for $20-$25.

•Larry Browning Scholarship Information

ReMast part of NOISE program

Only a couple of years left of scholarship

Any student wanting to be a Physics Teacher let Larry know

•A word from our NSTA Representative Paul Kiedel

-A word on NCLB…2007 changes will include a new name NCLB will no longer be called NCLB

-Eisenhower monies may be returning

-In other sessions, there are always poster sessions. A suggestion is to offer sticky notes for viewers to have a chance to add messages of encouragement to poster boards on display.


-At the conclusion of this meeting, the President will be Molly TenBroek

(According to the constitution and bylaws, the president is also NSTA liaison)

-Past president is Ramona Lundberg

-Julie Olson & James Stearns will be newsletter co-editors.

-Secretary Nominations: Bobbie Traxinger & Arnie Lund

No other nominations

Mark Farrand asks for clarification of secretaries duties

Micheline offers description from Officers Handbook

Nominations motioned to cease by Ken Graupmann seconded by Molly

All in favor, none opposed

Votes taken - Bobbie Traxinger was elected as the Secretary

-Treasurer Nominations: James Stearns & Greg Diersen

(Nominated by David Ireland seconded by Nicole Keegan)

Nominations motioned to cease and seconded by Arnie Lundt

All in favor, none opposed

Micheline offers descriptions of duties from Officers Handbook

Votes taken - James Stearns was elected as the Treasurer

-President Elect Nominations: Brenda Murphey & David Ireland

Micheline reviews president elect duties from Officers Handbook

No other nominations

Motion to cease nominations by Molly TenBroek and seconded by Ken Graupmann

All in favor, none opposed

Votes taken - Brenda Murphey was elected as President-Elect

•Other Business

-Any suggestions of newsletter additions??? Contact Molly TenBroek for ideas.

-Thanks Micheline for 6 great years of leadership. Clap Clap!!

Meeting adjourned at 5:19 pm

Brenda Murphey, SDSTA Secretary


SDSTA Board Meeting

February 4, 2010


Meeting called to order 9:20pm

In attendance are Ramona Lundberg, Marcy Farrarnd, Mark Farrand, Molly TenBroek, Julie Olson, James Stearns, Micheline Hickenbotham, Larry Browning, Brant Miller, Nicole Keegan, and Brenda Murphey

Items to be discussed

•Newsletter online

                Each newsletter costs $.50 to print and $.159 to mail

                We mail 250 newsletters each time

                Question cost effectiveness of mailing vs online

•Read minutes

                -Mark question attendance of CAGS

no one was sent

Mark suggested that someone be sent in future

                -TIE thank you should continue

                                We do invite them to join us in the meals as a way to say thanks

                                The conference will pick up the cost of the meals since TIE benefits both sci and math

                -Thanks to vendors

Suggested that they do not want to join in the meals so they can have time to themselves

                -Approval of minutes by Micheline and seconded by Mark

•Micheline offered new copies of the Officers Handbook

                Thanks to her dean for the printing

•Featured Speakers

-Keith E. Van Tassel

                                From Redfield and Watertown

                                Came in and visited his teachers to say hello

                -Andrew Weaver

                                Teaches Biology in MN

                                Master Falconer, archery club, bear hunting, knife making, and dog racing

•Distinguished Service awarded to Micheline for Outstanding Community Service.  Great job Micheline.

•SDSTA shirts/logo wear

-the few T-shirts left will be used for door prizes during conference

-Mark orders new shirts for board members

-lab coats with SDSTA logos

                Thanks James for ordering them for us

                Thanks Mark for modeling them…we will wear them at lunch on Friday along with skit

•Friday’s agenda

-Mark suggested the association make a proactive statement to Obama’s decision on NCLB…is there a statement we want to do to send from the collective group?  Affirmations or otherwise? We should be proactive in our leadership role.

                Micheline suggested that Arnie Duncan should be our contact person

-Marcy suggested we ask for speaker ideas from those present at meeting

•Pass around the list for manning the registration table throughout the day

•Ann Veitz memorial plaque

                -Thanks Larry for the thoughtfulness of seeing this through

                -Two plaques purchased for $100 to recognize efforts of Physics Teacher whose life was lost in a

                car accident

                -Suggestions of who can deliver the plaque to parents??  Arnie Lund.

                The motion to OK purchase of plaques was made by James with Molly seconding the motion.

•Summer meeting

                -date set for Sept 13th Monday

•CAGS (Congress of Associates Groups in Science)

                -Miami July 2010

                -Mark made motion to encourage president to attend CAGS Molly seconded the motion

                -Micheline suggested the district representative go to CAGS each year for NSTA which will be

                Ramona who has been nominated

•Past President responsible for slate of new officers. Mark offered ideas to Ramona .

•Jean and Cindy…thanks for the brochures

•Paul Kiedel set up leadership in MN

-past president and president of NSTA showed up

-Very good conference

-both Ramona and Molly attended

•Newsletter Assistance

                -James should have help with the newsletter since Pam is with Math

                -Micheline suggested Julie as a possible assistant

                -James suggests

…he needs local help to put the brochure together

 …also needs articles or article suggestions to put in newsletter

                NSTA freebee information (Molly)

                Other ideas/articles Each newsletter costs $.50 to print and $.159 to mail ??

•Other points of information

-Ramona would like as many officers in attendance at the joint executive meeting on Saturday night…we need to have representation at these meetings

-Joint “fun time” in Cindy’s room after banquet.

-Micheline reminds us that as officers we can count hrs of work as hours toward credit.

-Speakers for next year

                SETI   Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence

                President of NSTA will come with no expense

                Tom Block from H&R Block teaches 7th grade in Kansas City…urban education

                Discovery Center in Pierre

                                Ann Lewis

-Conversations about reimbursement of funds due to inclement weather

•Treasures Report

                See attached

••Plan for luncheon lab coat skit

                “Pants on the Ground” rearranged to “Lab Coats on”  :o)  Thanks Julie for the goggles

Meeting adjourned at 11:30pm