Greetings  From  the  President's Desk

     Greetings!    Welcome back to a new school year. I hope it started smoothly and that you will be able to implement inquiry learning in your science classes. Thank you for your dedication and for everything you do to service the students of South Dakota in various science fields of study.
     Last summer, at the SDSTA meeting, officers and members had a constructive afternoon. Not only did we enjoy a great luncheon in Mark and Marcy Farrand's backyard, but we went to the tedious job of reviewing the SDSTA Constitution and By-Laws. The officers and I are encouraging all members to review the changes before the 15th Annual Join Math & Science Professional Development Conference February 1-3, 2007 in Huron. At our Winter Meeting, we will proceed with discussion and vote to validate the changes. By December, I should have the new officers' handbook draft ready for review. Any member willing to review the handbook can e-mail me. Lastly we discussed ways to encourage and

maintain memberships. Our secretary suggested sending reminders to members, which is why we will ask your participation and encourage you to add your e-mail address on your membership form. Another suggestion would be the "Buddy System." I encourage each one of us to find a colleague or friend of science to join the SDSTA; we could double our membership. Forms are available in this SDSTA Newsletter; make copies as needed.
     As the school year sails on, it might be a good time to sit down with others and decide on coming to the 15th Join Conference. Many of you have great experiences to share with others and our busy daily routine keep us from filling out a speaker's form available at or Come as a team, experience the fulfilling sense that sharing with others will bring to your professional life. Get excited as you bring your expertise, experiences, and new ideas to share with colleagues across South Dakota.

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