Our 17th Annual Joint Math and Science Conference at Huron in February was a great success. The attendance was good and the presenters and vendors were all pleased with the turnout and involvement of the educators. Thank you to anyone who had a part in our conference, as an attendee, a presenter or one of the workers or planners of this positive event.
On March 19th- 22nd  I attended the National Science Teachers Association, NSTA, National Conference in New Orleans. I attended a wide variety of presentations and overheard one teacher say to another, as we were headed for the Convention Center where the majority of the presentations and the some 400 vendor booths were housed, "I believe there is going to be over 500 choices of presentations." So that evening I counted a few pages in each days' program guide (each day the program guide is approximately 265 pages and each day is a separate guide  so that  it is not that bulky or heavy to carry) The rough average I obtained was 1600 presentations total for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. This does not include the Wednesday all day Professional Development workshops nor the Sunday AM presentations. If you have not been fortunate enough to attend an NSTA National Conference, the experience is something every science teacher should get to do and as often as possible. I was thrilled with every minute of my attendance.
I brought back more than I could carry and was glad I had packed a bag just for hand

outs and "stuff".  I especially appreciated the BSCS- presentations on inquiry teaching and will refer to the BSCS in a future newsletter. I talked with individuals at the NDSL, National Digital Science Library, booth. http://nsdl.org/  This is an incredible resource for science educators and if you haven't searched there for awhile, the resources available have grown considerably. I recommend you take a look at one of the best resources for all of the sciences on the web.
As our association has become a member of COPUS and I have been receiving information from this organization, I thought I would mention the COPUS 2009 Year of Science effort once again.  COPUS stands for The
Coalition on the Public Understanding of Science and is a grassroots effort whose goal is to engage sectors of the public in science to increase their understanding of the nature of science and the value of science to society. Membership in COPUS is growing and includes a network of universities, scientific societies, science centers, museums, government agencies, advocacy groups, media, schools, educators, businesses, and industry. Basically, anyone who cares about science and is concerned about national scientific literacy. A key objective of COPUS is to create new forums for communication and to develop new opportunities for engaging the public with science. This website also includes a wealth of information, all free, and as a member of our association by extension you are a member of COPUS. The information includes a monthly (President's

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